Teach1:Serve10 (T1S10) Free Clinic Day Patient Information
Note: The Associated Healthcare Exam, Follow Up and/or Specialty Referral are 100% Free of Charge (Free). However, there is a small $4.99 administrative fee to cover any/all associated identity verification fees that are necessary to ensure compliance with all applicable Federal & State Laws regarding the delivery of healthcare.
The Teach1:Serve10 Free Clinic Day is a joint-collaboration between the Compassion Center, the Integrative Providers Association (IPA) and the Center for Incubation & Findings Research (CIFR), meant to bridge underserved populations with integrative healthcare opportunities.
David Bearman, MD, a renowned Pain Management Specialist from California is proctoring and Nurse Juhlzie Monteiro is grading tests, while a local clinicians provide the standardized care to underserved populations and those who are specifically looking to enter into various state-offered/managed programs to alleviate pain or other intractable symptoms. From nutritional analysis to the recommending of medical cannabis and quitting smoking, there are resources that have been carefully curated to empower patients on their journeys back to wellness.
To Register for the Teach1:Serve10 Free Clinic Day, please select the button on the left. All Sponsorships, Donations and Funds Raised by T1S10 and/or Compassion Center are fully managed by the Compassion Center Fiduciary, Finance and Fundraising Committee as an extension of the 501(c)(3) public charity organization.
For more information on just how these funds are used beyond the delivery of free healthcare to underserved populations while delivering advanced clinical healthcare education, please contact the Compassion Center’s Office of Accountability & Transparency by clicking here.
Compassion Center provides IPA/T1S10 with management services, including patient records requests, records management, identity verification, human resources, an an EHR, scheduling and support for the Teach1:Serve10 Free Clinic Day.
Teach1:Serve10 (T1S10) Free Clinic Day Made Possible By:
The Management
Compassion Center, a 501(c)(3) public charity management services organization provides administrative, fiduciary and operational support to the Teach1:Serve10 Free Clinic Day, including EHR management, identity verification and impact analysis of the overall program goals and objectives.
The Talent
Integrative Providers Association provides the attending healthcare providers, proctors and supervising physician, in addition to specialty oversight, and a variety of coordination and membership services for the education, outreach and membership programs in support of the medical providers who are in attendance.
The Result
Teach1:Serve10 Free Clinic Day provides healthcare to those in need while simultaneously providing medical and healthcare professionals with a venue to complete clinical practicums and education.